Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunday,26 September: Melbourne to Los Angeles to Monterey

We took off at 11am on Sunday, and almost 14 hours later landed in Los Angeles at 8 am on Sunday! We had to find our way to another terminal, which took ages, then we had to sit around for a few hours before flying north, in quite a small plane, to Monterey, a charming place on the central coast of California. We picked up a hire car, and then came the challenge of getting used to driving on the other side of the road! The driver's seat is on the 'wrong' side of the car for us, and you move the drive controls with your right hand, not your left. The turn indicator is the lever we would have for windscreen wipers, so we kept turning them on when we were turning! We have driven about a bit and have located the historic part of the town we have come to see, called Cannery Row, so we know where to begin our day tomorrow, but first we need to catch up on much-needed sleep.

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